Ted 2 Funny Scenes Ted 2 Funny Scenes Cocain


Yep, he's totally cute until he hires 4 hookers.

Ted is a 2012 comedy moving picture directed, co-written and co-produced past Seth MacFarlane and stars himself (well, his voice), Mark Wahlberg and Mila Kunis, and is MacFarlane's directorial debut. It focuses on John Bennett, a lilliputian boy who receives a teddy bear equally a gift and wishes for him to come up to life. Every bit luck would take information technology, his wish is granted on a meteor, and the deport, aptly named Ted, does in fact gain sentience and grows up alongside John every bit his best friend. 27 years afterwards, they're still together as roommates and still somewhat on the immature slacker side. This is a trouble for John'south girlfriend Lori Collins (Kunis), who feels that Ted is a poor influence on John, while Ted feels she's going to come between their friendship...

He's right, of course. That's what women practise in these romantic comedies with foul-mouthed wastrel teddy bears.

A sequel, Ted 2, was released on June 26, 2015. As of April 2022, a prequel series is in development for Peacock with McFarlane set to return as writer, co-showrunner, executive producer, director, and the voice of Ted.

Tropes contained in the motion picture include:

  • Abhorrent Admirer:
    • Donny and Robert towards Ted.
    • King toward Lori.
  • Calumniating Parents: Donny's father made him slumber in a hammock and got him a rake for Christmas so he wouldn't have to clean up the front yard by mitt.
  • Actor Allusion:
    • "I practice not sound that much similar Peter Griffin."
    • Ted says that Ryan Reynolds' character looks like Van Wilder and references Green Lantern (2011).
    • Mark Wahlberg really does hail from Boston. And wasn't that averse to the pottymouth either.
    • In that location's fifty-fifty Family unit Guy cutaways, two of which involve Mila Kunis' Barrel-Monkey moments.
  • Adam Westing: Sam Jones does this.
  • Ambiguously Brown: King notes Lori's cryptic ethnicity, hazarding that she's Baltic or Czech. Kunis was born in Ukraine to Jewish parents.
  • An Aesop: If your human relationship with your boyfriend/girlfriend isn't working, it is meliorate to end it otherwise you lot will merely be unhappy.
  • As Himself: Norah Jones. Sam Jones and Tom Skerritt, who are referenced often, also appear in person.
  • Astronomic Zoom: The moving-picture show begins with a zoom into the Universal logo to naught in on where the hero lives.
  • Author Appeal: It's not difficult to notice MacFarlane'southward love of big ring swing in the soundtrack. There's too a ton of Shout Outs to pop culture from The '80s.
  • Badass Ambrosial: Ted, obviously, beingness a teddy acquit and all.
  • Pocketbook of Kidnapping: Donny and Robert do this to Ted twice, commencement when they snatch him from his flat and subsequently when they make their escape from John and Lori.
  • Barbie Doll Anatomy: Ted manages to have sex with a number of women despite non having a penis. He's written several aroused letters to Hasbro nearly it:
  • Beary Funny: Ted is a foul-mouthed, wisecracking teddy bear.
  • Berserk Button:
    • John hates when people say "cunt," though he seems to be more scared of the give-and-take than angered past information technology.
    • When John said he wished he had gotten a "Teddy Rux-fuckin'-pin" for Christmas instead, Ted loses it.
    • Donny hates it when someone curses in front of his son.
  • Be Yourself: Fifty-fifty though John and Lori were happy together at first it becomes apparent their relationship is on the rocks not merely because of Ted only because John only can't be the person Lori wants him to be. For example John only loved being stoned and drinking none of which Lori shares with him and John only went with Lori to a blackness tied party with her just to delight her. John even lampshades this in the sequel to Sam.
  • Big Bad Ensemble: Male monarch, Donny, and Robert.
  • Bilingual Bonus: During the montage of news reports about Ted coming to life, we get a clip from a Japanese news station. The female news reporter calls Ted an usagi (rabbit), causing the male reporter to slap her and call her a baka (idiot).
  • Blatant Lies: John claims his ringtone is from The Notebook. It's really "The Majestic March" from The Empire Strikes Back.
  • Born of Magic: Ted was just a normal teddy bear whose owner wished for him to come to life. Unfortunately for everyone involved, the realistic consequences followed.
  • Bowdlerise: The Japanese version premiered a PG-12 version of Ted in July and so that younger audiences could sentry, toning downwardly and cutting out the film'due south more raunchy parts. However, the uncut R-xv version is still available for the older audience to see.
  • A Male child and His X: Rather, it's a man and his teddy bear since John and Ted grew up together.
  • Brick Joke:
    • The "Where Are They At present?" Epilogue states that King died of Lou Gehrig's disease. Earlier in the pic, John says to Rex that he hopes he gets Lou Gehrig'due south disease.
    • At the beginning of the movie, John suggests that Guy is part of a "gay beat-up social club", to which Guy says, "Aye, possibly I'm gay or whatever, I don't really know". Later in the moving-picture show, at Ted'due south political party, Guy shows up and introduces his new boyfriend.
    • Afterwards sort-of chewing out the late-to-work John, John'due south boss mentions (equally evidence of his success) beingness a personal acquaintance of Tom Skerritt. At the end, he is seen with Skerritt at John and Lori's wedding. Then Skerritt whispers, "My daughter had better however be alive, y'all sick son of a bitch" to him.
  • Butt-Monkey: John every bit a kid. Fifty-fifty the Jewish kid everyone bullied hated him.
  • Came Back Incorrect: Ted seems to be this way after Lori wishes him back to life due to stuffing beingness put in the wrong places. Subverted in that he was faking every bit a joke. "Yoah magicuh wish wuhked! Yes, I mean, you know, when you sewed me upward, you lot pu' some schtuffing in da wrong places, sho I'thousand, I'm a li'l fucked up, simply wiw you take cayuh of me fo-evoh and evoh?"
  • The Cameo: Ryan Reynolds as Guy's gay lover. Too Norah Jones, Sam J. Jones and Tom Skerritt as themselves. Ted Danson also appears briefly, reminiscing about his years on Cheers.
  • Celebrity Paradox:
    • Ted is voiced by Seth MacFarlane. This is lampshaded when Ted says he doesn't sound like Peter Griffin.
    • Lori is played by Million from the same prove, and John's mom in the prologue is played by Lois from said testify.
  • Chekhov's Gun: When Ted is kidnapped, and Donny unplugs the telephone in the middle of Ted's desperate call to John, John and Lori take no ways of finding out where Ted is beingness held. But then John remembers that before, Donny gave him his address and telephone number should he decide to sell Ted.
  • Chewing the Scenery: "NO! You! CAN'T! HAVE! MY! TEDDY BEEEAAAR!!"
  • Climbing Climax
  • Closet Key: Jared.
  • Land Matters: John hates the c-discussion and so much that it seems to physically pain him.
  • Curbstomp Boxing:
    • Robert is in the receiving end of John's fist and goes down with a thud.
    • Though Ted takes a few lumps (and it's more than a Sissy Fight than anything), it'southward inevitable they couldn't resist having John getting his donkey handed to him by a beautiful piddling teddy behave.
  • Deadpan Snarker: Ted. He's voiced past Seth MacFarlane, after all.
  • Deconstructive Parody: Yous know how as a child, you probably wished that your favorite toy would come up to life? This is what happens when the wish comes truthful, and then followed you lot into adulthood.
  • Demoted to Extra: John'southward co-workers Alix and Tanya'due south sideplot is omitted from the film's final cut.
  • Deus ex Machina: How Ted is resurrected. A guilty Lori wishes on a shooting star, which seems to be only as powerful as a little boy's Christmas wish.
  • Dinky Drivers: Ted drives John's car using built-up pedals.
  • Disney Expiry: Ted himself at the end.
  • Does This Remind You of Annihilation?: Lori tearfully kick John out of their dwelling after she catches him at a party with Ted is very similar when a person is caught having an affair.
  • Dramatic Wind: When John meets Sam Jones.
  • Fanservice:
    • The party scene. A topless woman. Uncensored.
    • Kunis wearing a Modesty Towel when Ted comes to her door.
    • Also, Mark Wahlberg'due south ass... and so again, Ted is literally whipping it at the time.
  • Fear of Thunder: John and Ted. They have a special "thunder buddies" song. John gets over information technology around the terminate of the movie, noticeably sitting all the same while Ted is dead as lightning flashes outside the business firm onto him with accompanying thunder.
  • 5-Finger Fillet: Ted does this with a guy at the drunken party and eventually stabs the human's hand.

    Ted: Well, you never shoulda trusted me, I'm on drugs!

  • Erstwhile Child Star: Ted was media sensation when he beginning came to life, just then anybody got used to him and stopped caring. Now he's a lowly grocery store cashier who spends all of his gratuitous fourth dimension doing drugs and having sex with prostitutes.
  • Friend Versus Lover: John has to cull between Lori and Ted.
  • Genre Shift: The first viii-or-and then minutes before the championship sequence plays out like a typical family unit fantasy film, with the but clue to the Genre Shift existence the Lemony Narrator. And and so both protagonists grow upwards...
  • Gift of Song: In an attempt to win his girlfriend Lori back, John goes onstage at a Norah Jones concert and sings the song "All Time High" from Octopussy. Information technology's shown to be a rather embarrassing and pathetic stunt on John'south stop and he gets booed offstage, but Lori appreciates the thought enough to reconcile with him.
  • Girls Dearest Blimp Animals:
    • Inverted in that Lori is the one who wants to get rid of Ted, while the people who desire to kidnap him are male. The general public seems to exist most even in their involvement in a living teddy bear.
    • A shared image that circled the internet at the fourth dimension of the movie joked about how males were lining upwards to come across a moving picture about a teddy bear, whereas women were lining up to encounter a moving picture about strippers, Magic Mike, which had been released at the same time.
  • Gosh Dang Information technology to Heck!: Donny forbids his son to cuss.
  • Groin Attack:
    • The hotel room fight between Ted and John ends with a Television set up falling onto John'due south crotch.
    • Ted throws a cordless landline ready at Donny's crotch when he tries to grab him in the bathroom.
  • One-half the Human He Used to Be: Ted gets ripped in half cheers to a combination of rough treatment by Donny and a large tear he gets on his midsection while escaping.
  • Harsher in Hindsight: In-universe case. During a disco in 2008, when John showtime met Lori, his comment on the song was, "Chris Brown tin exercise no wrong!".
  • Heterosexual Life-Partners: Ted and John.
  • Hollywood New England: Both John and Ted are this, even though Walhberg is actually from Boston and MacFarlane is from Connecticut.
  • Hollywood Tone-Deaf: John attempting to sing "All Time Loftier." In reality, Wahlberg was a rapper before he was an histrion.
  • I Tin can Change My Beloved: Lori thinks this about John. This ends up causing their divorce in the sequel.
  • I Desire My Beloved to Be Happy:
    • Ted finally realizes that John will ever be a little boy equally long as he has his teddy bear with him... and made his peace with Lori that he will leave their lives forever if only she would forgive John for his final kittenish spiral-up.
    • John does a variant of this: while Lori hasn't institute someone else, he recognizes his responsibleness for the events that led to their break-up and wants to at least role on good terms.
    • Lori also: In the end, she recognizes Ted as an essential part of John's and her life, and wishes him back.
  • Inhumanable Conflicting Rights: Ted never seems to exist studied, and he claims he's a U.S. citizen. The fact he can discover legitimate employment seems to indicates that to be true. Though, in the end, Ted was torn in half, and all that came out was stuffing, and then maybe the scientists figured out early there really was nothing to written report.
  • Jerkass: Rex.
  • Jerkass Has a Betoken: A few:
    • Ted while partly to blame John and Lori broke up after inviting John to his housewarming party was right that John tin can't accept any responsibility in his life.
    • While a creeping stalker King wasn't exactly wrong telling Lori she needs a mature relationship peculiarly as John still hangs out with a teddy bear and acting as a man kid.
    • Donny may exist a bad guy only fifty-fifty he of all people knows you should never swear in front of children.
  • Jerk with a Eye of Gilt: Ted, but pretty much everyone aside from the villains are this to an extent.
  • Karma Houdini: Donny faces no consequences for kidnapping Ted. He does go arrested for kidnapping a costly toy, only is let off the hook because of how stupid that sounds.
  • Kavorka Human: Ted had sex with numerous attractive women despite beingness, well, a teddy bear. With no penis.
  • Kids Are Brutal: Exaggerated. The film opens up with a group of neighborhood kids beating upwardly a Jewish child because it's Christmas Eve. When young John approaches asking if he tin play, they all tell him to get lost, including the Jewish kid.
  • Lemony Narrator: Patrick Stewart makes several snarky insults at movies and celebrities in between moments of eccentricity.

    Now if there'south one thing you can be sure of, it's that nil is more powerful than a young male child'southward wish. (Beat) Except an Apache Helicopter. An Apache Helicopter has auto guns and missiles. It is an unbelievably impressive complement of weaponry. An absolute death auto.

  • Leno Device: Ted appears on The Tonight Prove with Johnny Carson after being revealed to the world equally a living teddy bear.
  • Living Toys: Deconstructed. A lot of the real life consequences of this potentially occurring exercise happen, mostly apropos widespread media coverage.
  • Brand a Wish: Information technology's a childhood wish that starts the story and it's an adult 1 that saves the day.
  • Manchild: The flick is about John's inability to grow upwards in full general, but he has a few instances of bodily childish behavior:
    • He's still afraid of thunder through nearly of the film and needs to sing a song to help him cope with it.
    • He cowers behind a column while Lori cleans upwardly a turd on the flooring.
    • He grabs his ears and says, "Ow!" when someone says "cunt" in his presence.
  • Meaningful Name:
    • Ted'southward proper name refers to the fact that he'south a teddy conduct and is a less diminutized version of "Teddy," indicating that he's an developed.
    • Rex is a spoiled child with a name meaning "king."
  • Mood Whiplash: This flick can shift pretty violently betwixt melodrama and stoner comedy. And at Ted'due south political party, the mood jerks from joyful exuberance, to a terrifying losing fight confronting a knife-wielding Ming, and then dorsum to good-time partying within the bridge of a unmarried minute.
  • Mundane Fantastic: Ted is treated every bit a normal person who just happens to exist a teddy bear (much like Brian Griffin on Family Guy). Afterwards 25 years, he's now a faded celebrity every bit the novelty has generally worn off.
  • Mythology Gag: Rex has been holding his fart while with Lori, like Martha Stewart did in the Family unit Guy episode "Mr. Griffin Goes to Washington".
    • Throw in the fact that quite a few pregnant vocalism actors from Family Guy have notable roles in this film.
  • Oh, Crap!: When Ted is about to be kidnapped.

    Donny: Hello, Ted.

    Ted: Fuck.

  • Only Sane Man: Poor Lori...
  • Or Are You Just Happy to See Me?: In a scene where John and Lori are making out on the couch, she asks: "Is that a Flash Gordon ray gun,or are yous but happy to run into me?" John pulls out a Flash Gordon ray gun and pretends to burn it at her.
  • Person as Verb: "Well someone had to Joan Crawford that child."
  • Plot-Mandated Friendship Failure
  • Politically Incorrect Hero: Ted.
  • Pop-Cultural Osmosis Failure: Lori doesn't recognize "The Royal March" from Star Wars (which is her ringtone on John's phone). Well, she never did become come across the moving-picture show.
    • She believes John when he says that it's from The Notebook, indicating that she hasn't seen that picture either.
  • "The Reason You Suck" Speech: When Ted tells John he saw Lori with another human being, John thinks he's just making an excuse for the ii of them (John and Ted) to get back together and tells him to go out. Ted tells him he'due south acting similar a cock and that he's blaming him for something he did to himself and that Lori was right; John is a manchild incapable of taking responsibility for anything that goes on in his life. At least Ted has a reason for being irresponsible: "I don't have to! I'm a fucking Teddy Conduct!"
  • Recycled Premise: Ted becoming a media sensation that the globe got used to was originally going to happen to Roger in American Dad!, simply they decided to take his character in a different direction.
  • Refuge in Brazenness: Ted gets abroad with grabbing boobs in public! Cos he's just sooo cuuuuute!
  • Room Total of Crazy: Donny'due south living room wall is completely covered in quondam newspaper and magazine clippings of Ted.
  • Running Gag:
    • Ted does something that blantantly violates the rules of his job, insults his boss when he confronts him virtually it and end up being promoted on the spot.
    • John and Ted's fascination with Flash Gordon.
    • People bragging that they had their picture taken with Tom Skeritt.
  • Self-Serving Memory: John's version of his first meeting with Lori.
  • Shout-Out:
    • The way John remembers his first meeting with Lori is almost a shot for shot remake of Stryker and Elaine'due south get-go come across in Plane!.
    • Shout outs to Flash Gordon go major plot points.
    • When Ted reaches for his ear when he escapes Robert's room, a snippet of the Indiana Jones theme plays.
    • Ted mentions that he looks like "that robot from Aliens", referencing when Bishop gets ripped in one-half at the end. Earlier, he plays 5-Finger Fillet with another man's hand in another apparent reference to the grapheme.
    • John'due south mention of a "gay crush-up gild" is remniscent of Fight Lodge, which is almost an underground fighting club and has some homoerotic undertones.
    • In one scene Mark Wahlberg's character is reading the Tintin album Destination Moon.
  • The Slacker: John and Ted.
  • Smug Ophidian: Rex.
  • So Bad, It'southward Good: In-universe with Wink Gordon, at least to John and Ted.
  • Springtime for Hitler: Ted tries to bomb his chore interview at the grocery store deliberately. Information technology doesn't go as planned:

    Manager: You think yous've got what information technology takes?

    Manager: Nobody's ever spoken to me similar that before.

    Ted: That's 'cause everyone'south mouth is unremarkably full of your wife'southward box.

    Ted: Shit.

    • And later:

    Managing director: You had sexual intercourse with a co-worker on elevation of the produce that we sell to the public?

    Manager: ... That took guts. We need guts. I'thou promoting y'all.

    Ted: ... Y'all got a lot of problems, don'tcha?

  • Staggered Zoom: On John's face when he finds out who is going to be at Ted's party.
  • Stalker Shrine: Donny and Robert have a shrine of Ted in their house.
  • Stalker Without a Beat: Donny and Robert towards Ted.
  • Starring Special Effects
  • The Stoner: Getting loftier is a common hobby of John and Ted. Later on, they even attempt cocaine.
  • Stoner Picture show: This is more of Stoner Flick than anything, every bit many stoners bask watching cartoons while high.
  • Direct Gay: Guy is this, and possibly his boyfriend, or yous know, whatsoever, I don't really know.
  • Subverted Kids' Show: Tying in with the theme of growing up the film presents in the opening.
  • Surprisingly Realistic Result:
    • After young John announces that his teddy bear has come to life, his parents assume he's playing and dismiss him. Then when Ted walks out of the bedroom and says hello, they freak out and John'due south dad tells his mom to get his gun and telephone call the law. The practice warm upwards to him after a few minutes, though. Once it'southward clear he'due south not gonna injure everyone.
    • John's effort to win Lori back doesn't but fail; information technology'south viewed equally selfish and idiotic by everyone who had to witness information technology, much like information technology would be in real life.
    • Another weird example toward the terminate: when Ted is kidnapped, he's shown to be no more durable than whatsoever other teddy bear when the villains cut his ear off and tear him in one-half. What makes it weird is that earlier, Ted beat out the shit out of John with ease, although this could be justified equally John and Ted were striking each other with edgeless strength whereas in this fight he was attacked with abrupt objects.
    • In general, the whole motion-picture show takes the idea of a real imaginary friend or living toy companion and presents it realistically and honestly. Ted'south miraculous existence is the source of massive media interest when he first appears, but after several years people cease caring and he becomes but a normal, albeit unexplained, function of life. Not only that but because Ted basically lives off of John and others, he never went to school, got a job, or really learned to live on his ain. When he actually does try to go a chore, the but thing he can manage is a piss-poor cashier job at a crappy downtown grocery shop.
    • John calls 911, saying someone stole his teddy carry. This goes nearly likewise as you'd expect.
  • Take That!:
    • Patrick Stewart's jab at Superman Returns at the stop. This might exist motivated by Bryan Singer leaving the X-Men Motion picture Series series (where Stewart plays Professor X) to brand the film.
    • "The ladies and I were merely watching Jack and Jill. Adam Sandler plays a guy and his sis and it'due south only— awful. It's unwatchable. But they're hookers, so it'due south fine."
    • The narration claims that the stupid, evil kid Robert grew up to exist Taylor Lautner (even though the film takes place in 2012).
    • Ted has a diatribe where he calls women from Boston fat, stupid sluts.
    • "Whether you're Corey Feldman, Frankie Muniz or Justin Bieber, eventually, nobody gives a shit."
    • During John's horrible performance of a song for Lori, Ted remarks that it's still a improve performance than Katy Perry.
    • One of the shows that Ted and John watch while high is SpongeBob SquarePants.
  • Toxic Friend Influence: Ted for John. He repeatedly talks John into doing really stupid things that jeopardize his relationship with Lori. John calls him out on information technology later in the movie.
  • Too Impaired to Alive: Yes, let a teddy bear who is simultaneously loftier off of cocaine and drunk give you a V-Finger Fillet. Ted has a indicate when he says the guy never should have trusted him.
  • Ultimate Job Security: Played for Laughs. Ted's lecherous behavior at work and his audacious responses to his manager's reprimands gets him repeatedly promoted. The Epilogue reveals that he was later caught eating potato salad off of his girlfriend'southward blank bottom. He was promoted to store manager.

    Managing director: You were establish having sexual intercourse with a coworker, on top of the produce nosotros sell to our customers.

    Director: That took guts. We need guts. I'm promoting you lot.

  • Unmasqued World: Everyone knows that Ted is alive to the point where he fabricated an advent on The This evening Evidence.
  • Unsympathetic One-act Protagonist: Ted himself.
  • Unusually Uninteresting Sight: Later 27 years, nobody is surprised that a living teddy bear exists.
  • Vitriolic Best Buds: John and Ted.
  • "Where Are They At present?" Epilogue
  • Why Did It Have to Exist Snakes?: Thunder for both John and Ted.
  • Would Hurt a Child: John says, "Well someone had to Joan Crawford that child," most Robert, a spoiled psychopath.
  • "Yeah!" Shot: For Ted and Sam Jones at the stop, just like in Wink Gordon .


Source: https://tvtropes.org/pmwiki/pmwiki.php/Film/Ted

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